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Explore Share Links

Generate a unique URL to share with anyone

Brian Nana-Sinkam avatar
Written by Brian Nana-Sinkam
Updated over a year ago

Who can manage share links?

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Supported on any Air plan

✏️ Anyone who has edit access to the workspace, library, or board can manage share links

A share link is a URL generated with customizable permissions. It gives anyone with the link access to a specific board or asset without needing to be part of your workspace. The visitor will only have access to the board or asset to which you have provided the share link and cannot access the rest of your workspace unless they are logged in with member access.

Share links are completely free to use and easy to share with clients, internal teammates, links for social media or websites, and much more. We've designed share links to be an easy and visually elegant way to provide your clients with a portfolio-like experience.

Share Button

Create a share link from an asset or the main view of a board or sub-board in the upper right corner using the Share button. Select "Share a link" from the drop-down menu; the same function can be found by clicking on the “...” icon on the desired asset thumbnail or board sidebar location and choosing “Share a link” from the drop-down menu that appears. Here, a unique URL has been generated to copy and share with anyone you'd like to have access to your board.

Share link creators receive notifications about activity that happens within the share link. Read more about share link notifications here.

Share Link Settings

A toggling menu within the Settings tab allows users to select which permissions they'd like to enable for this particular link. These options include:

  • Toggling on access to versions

  • Enabling viewing and posting comments

  • Viewing or editing custom fields

  • Enabling or disabling downloads

🔎 Tags are considered "internal" workspace data, meant for use within the workspace itself. Therefore, you cannot filter or search by tags in a share link. Alternatively, custom fields can be toggled on for viewing and editing, which can be found using search.

Pro and Enterprise Settings

Passcode Protection

Pro and Enterprise users also have the option of protecting the link with a custom passcode that must be entered before viewing the link. This passcode can be changed or removed by any Admins or Editors of a workspace.

Expiration Dates

Expiration dates for share links expire at 11:59:59 PM on the date selected, in the timezone you set it in. It will no longer be accessible to anyone who tries to visit that page until the expiration date is updated or removed.

Custom share link defaults (Enterprise)

You can choose which settings appear by default on every new share link across your workspace - making it faster and easier to get content out the door.

Regenerating a New URL

After a URL is generated, the "..." icon next to the URL gives you the option to preview what your share link will look like for users, or generate a new URL. This will disable the current generated URL, and the user regenerating is considered the new owner and will now receive download notifications for the share link.

Commenting on a Share Link

To post a comment on an asset, the user must have an Air login account registered with their email. They do not need access to your workspace to see share links. Users will be prompted to sign up when attempting to comment.

Share link notifications

If you create or re-generate a share link URL, you will receive notifications when a user downloads boards or assets from the link. Share link creators are reassigned when regenerating the URL if user is different than the original creator. If download notifications are not enabled for an existing share link, regenerating an old share link will enable you to start receiving download notifications. We are unable to provide a way to do this without regeneration.

Share link creators and editors can choose to require that the link visitors must leave their name and email before viewing the link. This triggers notifications about share link views, uploads, and downloads that have information about who took the action, rather than displaying as anonymous views. Share link visitors that leave their name and email are called Anonymous accounts – this is not a full account and does not count toward your workspace subscription.

  • If the name/email requirement is NOT toggled, share link visitors who want to comment or change a custom field must still complete this form to do so. The form will appear when attempting to take these actions

  • An anonymous account user is not able to “log out” from the link. If you wish to use a different email or name, you will need to clear your browser cache before opening the link again or open the link in a different browser

  • An anonymous account can use the same email as a Full Account. We do not restrict this but the name/email form prompts existing users to sign in to their account if they already have one, to help avoid this situation

  • The name/email form includes Invisible ReCaptcha protection to recognize any robots attempting to complete the form. Users will not be asked to complete a human identification task unless the ReCaptcha detects patterns that indicate they might be a robot

  • The anonymous account will be recognized for 7 days by their browser cache

🔼 Share links do not include the capability to upload content. Content Collection forms can be generated to work in tandem with non-members who access your boards via share link and also need to upload.

Asset share link retention

Creating a share link at the asset level will only share the specific version of the asset. If a more recent version of an asset is uploaded, it will be visible in the version taskbar at the bottom of the browser. Generating a share link from the asset level will still link to the asset even if it is removed from its location in a board and remains in the workspace.

Share link permission sub-board inheritance

Air features share link permission inheritance to generate duplicated permissions for sub-boards. If you set permissions on a board share link, any links generated for sub-boards within the board afterward will automatically reflect the parent board’s settings.

Currently, this only works for URLs generated after the parent board URL was created. Existing share link permissions will not change if a parent board's settings are edited.

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