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Allow anyone to upload directly to a board!

Megh McLaughlin avatar
Written by Megh McLaughlin
Updated this week

Who can use this feature?

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Supported on any Air plan

✏️ Anyone who has edit access to the workspace, library, or board

⬆️ Anyone who is a visitor of the content collection form's public URL

Are you working with a photographer or media content creator and want to skip unnecessary tasks like transferring files via email and uploading files yourself? Content collection forms can make it easy for collaborators to upload assets. They don’t even have to be a workspace member - just create a unique link and the files can be uploaded right from their device.

This article explores the content collection form feature on Air from creation to the end user experience.

Create Content Collect Forms

When on the main view of a board or sub-board, the Add button allows access to “Collect Content” from the drop-down options. Here you can generate an upload form to be used by anyone who has access to the unique URL.

Additionally, you can add options for requested information using your Custom Fields. These fields can be marked as "Optional" or "Required." If a field is marked as required, the user is only able to submit an upload once it is filled.

Content Collection form creators and editors can require visitors to leave their name and email upon viewing the link. This triggers notifications for the content collection form owner about uploads that will display the input name and email of the user who took the action rather than displaying it as anonymous. The name field is recorded in the info tab under the “Uploaded by” field of the assets submitted.

✉️ While the name appears as the uploader of the asset in the workspace, the email of the user is not attached to the asset's metadata. This anonymous account will be recognized for 7 days by their browser cache.

Submit via Content Collect Forms

Anyone with an active content collection form URL can upload to the form's corresponding board. Users will have a chance to review assets before hitting the Submit button. If the user tries to leave the page before submitting the content, they will be prompted to submit before closing the window.

🔒 Users cannot access or edit the content after submission unless they are also added as users to the workspace or board where the submitted content is uploaded.

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