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Sync and access Air content and manage your workspace right in Finder!

Tyler Strand avatar
Written by Tyler Strand
Updated over 3 months ago

Who can use Air Flow?

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ Supported on any Air plan

✏️ Anyone that has edit access to the workspace and a Mac device with OS 10.5 or later

Air Flow is a powerful Mac desktop application that makes it easy to access your assets and files when you need them. Air Flow enables users to access their Air content locally, right within Finder. This time-saving, convenient feature was built for creatives in mind who use editing software in Adobe Creative Suite, like Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, Lightroom, and Photoshop. Now you can simply open a file from your synced Air folder in Finder, make your changes, and save a new version in the workspace right from the editor. This article details the features available with Air Flow.

With Air Flow, you have the power to:

  • View your workspace content from within Finder

  • View sync status of your content in Finder

  • Take right-click actions in Finder for actively synced workspace (sync/unsync, open in Air, copy Share Link URL)

  • View sync activity from your desktop

  • Change the local location of your synced Air folder

From the Air Flow app

The app interface is able to be accessed right from your Mac's menu bar. Using the signature icon will reveal the interface right on your desktop. Think of this as a running status check on the sync between your workspace and your local desktop.


The app shows your synced workspace's icon as well as the workspace title. You'll have the options listed:

⏸️ Pause / ▢️ Restart sync

Your sync is fully within your control. Choose to place a pause on the constant check for updates or pick up where you left off after pausing.

πŸ“ Show workspace in Finder

Opens a new finder window with your Air folder.

↗️ View workspace on Air

Opens to Air's web app on your default internet browser.

βš™οΈ Settings

The settings menu will include your user profile photo, full name, and your email address used to sign in to Air. Dive deeper into the Air Flow setup with the selections available:

  • Manage downloaded boards

    Choosing boards for online / offline use.

  • Switch workspaces

    Select a different workspace to sync to your Mac.

  • Preferences

    • Toggle to Launch Air on startup of your Mac

    • Toggle to automatically update Air when a software release is available

    • Local folder location - Choose a new place for your files. A new folder "Air" will be created inside the folder you select

    • Downloaded content - Choosing boards for online / offline use

    • Advanced - Access your logs folder and restart your Finder extension

    • Quick look for your current Air Flow version

  • Check for updates...

    Manually push to check for a new software release

  • Log out

    A handy way to switch to a different Air account or protect your workspace if you are using a shared machine.

  • Quit Air Flow

    A manual way to quit Air Flow right from the interface.


Within the app's main window you will always have a view to the status of your sync.

βœ… Everything is up to date

When in this status all boards and assets have successfully synced. Hooray!

⏸️ Syncing paused

When in this status, any changes made to boards and assets will not be synced between Air's and your local desktop.

πŸ”„ Syncing in progress...

When in this status, changes to boards and assets have been detected and are actively syncing.

From Finder

Access your workspace content locally on your computer’s hard drive so you can do work in local editing tools like Adobe Creative Suite. You are able to access your workspace files locally from within your file system through integration with macOS Finder.

Upon Air Flow's installation, your Air folder is automatically added to the Finder sidebar/favorites list. The default Air file sync folder is located at Users/{user name}/Air but you have the option to change this local folder location and the desired downloaded content from within the Air Flow settings.

Your entire workspace structure is matched locally within Finder, even files that are not synced locally. Air Flow automatically creates a top-level "Air" folder on your computer. It then creates sub-folders for every workspace you choose to sync, along with nested folders and files for every Library, Board, and Asset in your workspace.

Menu bar

Right alongside your key extensions, your active Air Flow app is easily accessible. You're able to see at a glance how your sync is faring and if anything needs your attention. Check the menu bar for the following icons + statuses:

  • Air Flow is synced with your workspace

  • Air Flow has a sync error

  • Air Flow sync is in progress

πŸ“ Air

The Air folder is created to house your workspace structure. Contained within the Air folder is the folder or folders named for currently and/or previously synchronized workspaces.

πŸ“ Workspace

A syncing or synced workspace folder is named for your workspace and when selected will contain your workspace's full board structure and a view for any files that are not currently located within any board.

πŸ“ Boards

Each sub-folder in Finder represents a corresponding board on your workspace. With Air Flow in Finder you are able to move, duplicate, and delete entire folders. Local folders can be added to your workspace and subsequently set to be made online only so that they no longer are part of the storage of your local desktop.

πŸ–ΌοΈ Assets and files

Finder files represent a corresponding asset or file's cover version within your Air workspace. With Air Flow in Finder you are able to edit, move, duplicate, and delete individual files. Locally stored files can be added to your workspace and subsequently set to be made online only so that they no longer are part of the storage of your local desktop. Edited files get updated instantly, creating a new cover version for the asset stack on Air's web app.

❇️ Sync status

Synced workspaces through Air Flow indicate their status using visual icons.

  • Synced and up to date

  • Error, something went wrong while syncing

  • Partially synced (for a board with only some files being synced)

  • Sync in progress

  • Online only (not downloaded locally)

Quick actions

Air Flow quick actions are available for you to manage and navigate your workspace content easily. Tap into the right-click menu and look for the Air Flow icons:

  • Download for offline access

  • Make online only

  • View on Air

  • Remove from this board

Visit the Air Flow collection for more in depth how-to articles from the help center.

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