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Sync and access Air content and manage your workspace right in Finder!

Tyler Strand avatar
Written by Tyler Strand
Updated over a week ago

Who can use Air Flow?

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Supported on any Air plan

✏️ Anyone that has edit access to the workspace and a Mac device with OS 10.5 or later

Air Flow is a powerful desktop application that makes it easy to access your assets and files when you need them. Air Flow enables users to access their Air content locally, right within Finder. This time-saving, convenient feature was built for creatives in mind who use editing software in Adobe Creative Suite, like Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, Lightroom, and Photoshop. Now you can simply open a file from your synced Air folder in Finder, make your changes, and save a new version in the workspace right from the editor. This article details the features available with Air Flow.

With Air Flow, you have the power to:

  • View an entire workspace from within Finder

  • View sync status of content in Finder

  • Take right-click actions in Finder (sync/unsync, open in Air, copy Share Link URL)

    • Please note: Quick Actions in the right-click menu in Finder only appear for the active workspace in Air Flow

  • View sync activity in the desktop app

  • Change local location of synced folder

Learn how to install Air Flow here!

Two-Way Sync

Two-way sync helps users access their workspace content locally on their computer’s hard drive so they can do work in local editing tools like Adobe Creative Suite. Users are able to access their workspace files locally from within their file system through integration with macOS Finder.

Upon Air Flow's installation, the Air folder will be automatically added to the Finder sidebar/favorites list. The default Air file sync folder is located at Users/{user name}/Air but you have the option to change this local folder location and the desired downloaded content from within the Air Flow Preferences settings.

Learn how to add content with Air Flow here!

Access Control

Only workspace member Admins & Editors have access to two-way sync. Commenter members and Guests in a workspace will not have access to the workspace through the desktop app.

Auto Duplicate Detection

Assets uploaded through Air Flow with the same name will be detected; Air will show a prompt to ask users whether they want to stack assets with a new version or overwrite the original asset completely.

Workspace Structure Matching

Your entire workspace structure is matched locally within Finder, even files that are not synced locally. Air Flow automatically creates a top-level "Air" folder on your computer. It then creates sub-folders for every workspace you choose to sync, along with nested folders and files for every Library, Board, and Asset in your workspace.

Version Control

If any changes are made on an asset locally, a new version will be saved and uploaded to Air automatically.

Sync Activity/History

View a comprehensive log of any activity in synced boards, including:

  • files added

  • files removed

  • updates to files

Desktop App Notifications

Options to toggle desktop notifications for events, including:

  • new uploads to synced boards

  • deletions from synced boards

  • changes to files/assets

  • sync errors

  • workspace plan storage limits

Note: workspace activity in-app notifications are not included.

macOS Finder Integration

Users are able to edit sync status directly from the Finder. From the right-click menu, users are able to:

  • Make available offline

  • Make online only

  • View in

  • Share a link

Sync Status Icons

  • Synced up to date

  • Changes detected

  • Partially synced (for a board with only some files synced)

  • Sync in progress

  • Online only (not synced locally)

  • Error

Syncing to an External Hard Drive

Syncing to the external hard drive is possible through Air Flow. The way to do this would be to change the sync folder by going to Settings (the gear icon on the upper right corner of the app) -> Preferences -> Local folder location. You can then select the folder on your external drive and the sync will start.

However, when you are going to disconnect your hard drive, please make sure to quit Air Flow first to prevent problems with syncing. Additionally, before opening the app again, make sure that the external drive is connected. This is because Air Flow is a two-way sync so the app will search for the hard drive when it is open.

What should I do if something seems wrong?

First, make sure Air Flow has been updated to the current version and restart the app. If you encounter issues or have any questions about Air Flow, don't hesitate to reach out to Air Support for assistance. To get more information about your Air Flow history, we may need certain logs and files for our engineers to investigate:

How to find the logs folder and db.sqlite files

  1. Open a Finder window

  2. Hit Shift+Cmd+G on your keyboard

  3. Copy and paste /Users/{username}/Library/Application Support/air-desktop into the search bar

  4. Edit the {username} section to fit with the correct details (to find the username use the information here

  5. Select the db.sqlite and logs in the folder


How does the Air desktop app work?

Air’s new desktop app integrates with your Mac OS Finder to make your entire workspace available on your computer, without opening the web browser. You have the control to choose which assets and boards are downloaded to your computer (called ‘Offline’ files) and which files are visible but not yet downloaded (called ‘Online only’). Updates made to workspace files in Finder will be immediately reflected in your workspace and on any other teammate’s synced computer so everyone always has the most up-to-date file.

What happens if I edit synced files on my computer?

Edits made to synced files in Finder will be automatically reflected on the asset in your workspace! That’s the magic of Air Flow – continuous workspace sync with your computer so everyone always has the most up-to-date content!

What happens if I edit a folder name or delete a folder that’s in my local workspace folder in Finder?

🚨 Workspace parent folder names should not be edited by users in Finder, and changing the name will break your sync.

Deleting a folder in your workspace folder in Finder will remove the corresponding board in your workspace. The assets within that board will not be removed from the workspace and can still be found in the workspace library.

Can multiple people in my workspace have the Air desktop app installed?

For sure! Multiple people on your workspace are able to use Air Flow. The app is meant for admins and editors of a workspace to use! Any edits or deletions of local files synced to your Air workspace via Air Flow will make the same changes to any team members that access your Air workspace through Air Flow or Air's web application.

How do versions work with Air Flow?

  • If you edit and save an existing file in Finder, it will create a new version of the corresponding asset in Air and keep the original version of the file within a version stack in Air as V1.

    • Renaming a file in Finder does not add a new version in Air.

  • If an asset in Air has multiple versions, Finder will always show the most recent (cover) version as the corresponding file.

    • This means if you update the cover version in Air, the corresponding file in Finder will update to the new cover version.

  • If you add a file to a board folder in Finder that has the same name as an existing file, you'll be prompted to replace it. This will add that replacement as the most recent version.

How much space does Air Flow take up on my computer?

The app itself takes up 350-500 MB of space on your computer’s disk. How much space the files within your Air folder uses is up to you as only the files you choose to sync (’Make available offline’) will take up meaningful space on your computer.

Can Air Flow be used on my Windows PC?

The Air Flow app is a Mac app. We hope to have Air Flow for Windows in the future. Let us know more about your interest in this by visiting our product feedback tool on Canny.

Can I sync more than one workspace to my desktop at one time?

Syncing more than one workspace at a time is not possible. While this is the case, you can seamlessly switch workspaces on Air Flow. Here's how.

What happens if I add a file to the folder named for my workspace and not to one of the boards/sub-folders on Air Flow?

A file synchronized through Air Flow must be placed in a board. Moving a file to the folder named for your Air workspace in Finder will not result in the file showing on Air's web app nor will it be accessible to users of your Air workspace.

Can I remove a board from another board on Air Flow?

Yes! Click and drag any board represented in your Finder to relocate it as you would any other folder or on your Air workspace.

Is it Air Flow or AirFlow?

It's Air Flow, with a space. But if you call it AirFlow when you ask our team about it in an email or chat, we will know what you are talking about and promise not to hold it against you.

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